18 research outputs found

    Smart levee in Poland. Full-scale monitoring experimental study of levees by different methods

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    This paper presents two types of control and measurement networks used in the levee built as part of the ISMOP project. The first control and measurement network based on pore pressure and temperature sensors. Additionally, it contains the fiber-optic technology. The second network include design experimental sensors, constructed for the development of solutions that can be used in existing flood embankments

    Description and evaluation of the landslide hazard - a case study in a landslide in Radziszow

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliogr. s. [57].W artykule przedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań jednego z 275 zarejestrowanych, a zarazem jednego z największych osuwisk zlokalizowanych w gminie Skawina, zajmującego powierzchnie prawie 100 ha, a znajdującego się w miejscowości Radziszów. Jest to stare osuwisko, które daje znać o sobie zwłaszcza w okresach długotrwałych i intensywnych opadów, o czym świadczą dosyć dobitnie charakterystyczne formy morfologiczne tj. spękania, garby, progi, spłaszczenia i zagłębienia, które niekiedy wypełnione są wodą. Obszar przekształcany przez procesy geodynamiczne stanowi znaczne zagrożenie dla ludności i zabudowy mieszkaniowo-zagrodowej - na terenie osuwiska zlokalizowanych jest ponad 30 budynków mieszkalnych i gospodarczych - widoczne spękania na budynkach i fundamentach, popękane nawierzchnie betonowe wokół budynków oraz uszkodzone ogrodzenia posesji i poprzekrzywiane słupy energetyczne. Dodatkowo rozwojowi osuwiska sprzyja budowa geologiczna. Osuwisko ze względu na swoją wielkość będzie bardzo trudne do ustabilizowania, w związku z tym brak jest możliwości stabilizacji całości osuwiska. Zastosowanie systemu monitoringu powierzchniowego i wgłębnego, pozwoli określić tempo i kierunki najintensywniejszych ruchów, zbadać dynamikę wgłębną osuwiska oraz stwierdzić wielkość i głębokość przemieszczeń. System będzie jednocześnie stanowił rodzaj alarmu dla ludności zamieszkującej teren osuwiska.The paper presents the preliminary results of research conducted on a landslide in Radziszow, which was one of the largest landslides, almost 100 ha in surface area, among 275 registered in the area of the urban-rural commune of Skawina. It is an old landslide, which reactivates during the periods of long-term and intense precipitation and resulting in the occurrence of characteristic morphological forms, such as, cracks, humps, step-like flattening forms, and hollows, which are sometimes filled with water. The land which has been deformed by geodynamic processes poses a threat to people as well as their dwelling and farmstead buildings. There are more than 30 dwelling and farm buildings located in the landslide area, which bear evidence of landslide activity through visible cracks on buildings and their foundations, as well as fractured concrete and pavements surrounding the buildings, damaged property fencing and tilted pylons. Additionally, the geological structure of the landslide creates favourable conditions for its expansion. It will be extremely difficult to stabilize the landslide due to its size, thus, the stabilization of it along the whole length is out of the question. Using a system of surface and in-depth monitoring will make it possible to determine the pace and directions of the most intense movements and research of the in-depth dynamics of the landslide will establish the size and depth of the movements. At the same time, the system will be a kind of alarm for people living in the landslide area.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: procesy geodynamiczne, geozagrożenia, monitoring, zapadlisko przedkarpackie. KEYWORDS: geodynamic processes, geohazards, monitoring, Carpathian Foredeep

    Właściwości gruntów zwałowych z KWB "Turów" oraz próba ich oceny na podstawie sondowań statystycznych praca doktorska /

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    Tyt. z ekranu spisu treści.Praca doktorska. Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków), 2006.Bibliogr.Dostępna także w wersji drukowanej.Tryb dostępu: Internet.Grunt zwałowy, procesy towarzyszące jego powstaniu, proces urabiania, transport, zwałowanie właściwe, ogólna charakterystyka właściwości gruntów zwałowych, budowy zwałowisk BOT KWB Turów S.A., zwałowiska zewnętrznego, wewnętrznego, zarys budowy geologicznej złoża węgla brunatnego Turów, charakterystyka litologiczna, warunki hydrogeologiczne, właściwości fizyko-mechaniczne gruntu zwałowego, opróbowanie zwału, metodyka badań laboratoryjnych, charakter litologiczny, właściwości fizyczne, wytrzymałościowe, CPT, CPTU, sonda statyczna w zastosowaniu geologiczno-inżynierskim, interpretacja, analiza wyników wykonanych na zwałowiskach sondą statyczną typu CPTU2, oporów z sondowań statycznych, porównanie oporów sondowani

    Czynniki wpływające na parametry wytrzymałości na ścinanie w strefach zagrożeń osuwiskowych na przykładzie odkrywek węgla brunatnego Factors influencing shear strength parameters in the zones of landslide threats exemplified by brown coal open pits /

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliografia s.717-718.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.ABSTRACT: The recently observed development into possibilities of calculation programs for calculations of stability and numerous results of laboratory investigations help to obtain a more and more perfect simulation of rockmass behaviour. Nevertheless, a problem of landslides has not been fully solved as they still originate. The analysis of slope stability requires consideration of a number of factors connected with a degree of complexity of geological structure and parameters of soils. One of the most essential problems is still a choice of reliable calculating parameters, especially in the zones of complicated geological structure. In the paper factors influencing shear strength parameters in the zones of landslide threats have been discussed while basing on the results of investigations and observations in the brown coal mines "Turów" and "Bełchatów". Mass movements of soils in open pit mines due to their exploitation, outcrop of slops, current monitoring and technical possibilities of mines help to observe in a relatively easy way certain phenomena accompanying the processes occurring on the surfaces of a landslides. There exists a possibility of applying some results for the evolution of slope stability also in the places where observations of phenomena occurring on the slide surfaces are considerably more complicated, e.g. in the Carpathian landslides. STRESZCZENIE: Obserwowany w ostatnich latach rozwój możliwości obliczeniowych programów do oceny stateczności oraz liczne wyniki badań laboratoryjnych pozwalają na coraz doskonalsze symulowanie zachowania się górotworu. Niemniej problem osuwisk wciąż nie jest w pełni rozwiązany, nadal bowiem dochodzi do ich powstawania. Analiza stateczności zboczy wymaga uwzględnienia szeregu czynników związanych ze stopniem skomplikowania budowy geologicznej i parametrami gruntów. Nadal jednym z najistotniejszych zagadnień pozostaje dobór miarodajnych parametrów obliczeniowych, szczególnie w strefach o złożonej budowie geologicznej. W artykule omówiono czynniki wpływające na parametry wytrzymałości na ścinanie w strefach zagrożeń osuwiskowych, na podstawie wyników badań i obserwacji prowadzonych w kopalniach węgla brunatnego "Turów" i "Bełchatów". Ruchy masowe gruntów zarejestrowane w kopalniach odkrywkowych z uwagi na charakter eksploatacji, odsłonięcie skarp, bieżące monitorowanie i możliwości techniczne kopalni umożliwiają obserwację zjawisk towarzyszących procesom zachodzących na powierzchniach poślizgu. Istnieje możliwość wykorzystania części wyników do oceny stateczności skarp również w miejscach, gdzie obserwacje tych zjawisk są znacznie utrudnione, dotyczy to np. osuwisk karpackich. KEYWORDS: landslides, slope stability, shear strength, structural surfaces. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: osuwiska, stateczność skarp, wytrzymałość na ścinanie, powierzchnie strukturalne

    Innovative solutions in monitoring systems in flood protection

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    The article presents the possibilities of ISMOP – IT System of Levee Monitoring. This system is able to collecting data from the reference and experimental control and measurement network. The experimental levee is build in a 1:1 scale and located in the village of Czernichow, near Cracow. The innovation is the utilization of a series of sensors monitoring the changes in the body of levee. It can be done by comparing the results of numerical simulations with results from installed two groups of sensors: reference sensors and experimental sensors. The reference control and measurement sensors create network based on pore pressure and temperature sensors. Additionally, it contains the fiber-optic technology. The second network include design experimental sensors, constructed for the development of solutions that can be used in existing flood embankments. The results are important to create the comprehensive and inexpensive monitoring system, which could be helpful for state authorities and local governments in flood protection

    Innovative solutions in monitoring systems in flood protection

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    The article presents the possibilities of ISMOP – IT System of Levee Monitoring. This system is able to collecting data from the reference and experimental control and measurement network. The experimental levee is build in a 1:1 scale and located in the village of Czernichow, near Cracow. The innovation is the utilization of a series of sensors monitoring the changes in the body of levee. It can be done by comparing the results of numerical simulations with results from installed two groups of sensors: reference sensors and experimental sensors. The reference control and measurement sensors create network based on pore pressure and temperature sensors. Additionally, it contains the fiber-optic technology. The second network include design experimental sensors, constructed for the development of solutions that can be used in existing flood embankments. The results are important to create the comprehensive and inexpensive monitoring system, which could be helpful for state authorities and local governments in flood protection

    Numerical simulation of pore pressure changes in levee under flood conditions

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    The article discusses the potential for using numerical simulation to assess the development of deformation and pore pressure changes in a levee as a result of the increase and decrease of the flood wave. The simulation made in FLAC 2D did not take into account the filter-erosion deformation associated with seepage in the levee. The simulations were carried out for a field experimental storage consisting of two combined levees, which was constructed with the help of homogeneous cohesive materials with different filtration coefficients. Calculated and measured pore pressure changes were analysed at 4 monitoring points. The water level was increased to 4 m in 96 hours and decreased in 120 hours. The characteristics of the calculated and measured pore pressure changes over time were similar. The maximum values of the calculated and measured pore pressure were almost identical. The only differences were the greater delay of the experimental levee response to changes in water level increase compared to the response of the numerical model. These differences were probably related to filtering-erosion effects during seepage in the levee

    Numerical simulation of pore pressure changes in levee under flood conditions

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    The article discusses the potential for using numerical simulation to assess the development of deformation and pore pressure changes in a levee as a result of the increase and decrease of the flood wave. The simulation made in FLAC 2D did not take into account the filter-erosion deformation associated with seepage in the levee. The simulations were carried out for a field experimental storage consisting of two combined levees, which was constructed with the help of homogeneous cohesive materials with different filtration coefficients. Calculated and measured pore pressure changes were analysed at 4 monitoring points. The water level was increased to 4 m in 96 hours and decreased in 120 hours. The characteristics of the calculated and measured pore pressure changes over time were similar. The maximum values of the calculated and measured pore pressure were almost identical. The only differences were the greater delay of the experimental levee response to changes in water level increase compared to the response of the numerical model. These differences were probably related to filtering-erosion effects during seepage in the levee

    Geodetic monitoring of earth-filled flood embankment subjected to variable loads

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    The article presents an example of supplementing geotechnical monitoring with geodetic observations. The experimental flood embankment built within the ISMOP project (Information Technology System of Levee Monitoring) was subjected to continuous monitoring based on built-in measuring sensors. The results of geodetic monitoring used for observation of earth-filled flood embankment subjected to external loads are presented in the paper. The tests were carried out on an experimental food embankment forming a closed artificial water reservoir. The observations were carried out for two purposes. The first was long-term monitoring, which was aimed to determine the behaviour of the newly built embankment. The second purpose was to check the reaction of the levee to the simulated flood wave, caused by filling and draining the reservoir. In order to monitor the displacements of the earth-filled embankment, it was necessary to develop the proper methodology. For the needs of research works, an appropriate network of 5 reference points and 48 survey markers has been designed and established. The periodic measurements were carried out using precise robotic total station. The stability of the reference frame was each time checked and displacements of survey markers were determined based on it. The final results allow to reveal the reaction of levee to external loads. The displacement values were referred to the course of the filling and draining experiment to indicate the relationship between them. In the field of long-term monitoring the results clearly imply the dominance of displacements outside the reservoir for points located on the embankment, in contrast to points on the crest and foreground, which do not show significant movements. On the other hand, in the field of testing the embankment reaction to the flood wave, obtaining reliable results was possible thanks to high-accuracy geodetic measurements. Small displacement values, often at the level of their determination errors, were averaged for groups of points with the same height of foundation. A sizable number of points allows to perceive some tendencies and the relation between embankment soaking, hence its movement directions can be noticed. During periods when the levee was still saturated with water, slight movements outside the reservoir were revealed. On the other hand, the following period of drying caused movement in the opposite direction